COVID has thrown everyone for a loop am I right? As for me I have been quarentining like everyone else. This means homeschooling my kids and adapting to my new normal as far as my job goes. I have been teaching cooking classes for 15 years now to people all over San Diego. I love interacting with them and answering their questions while Im chopping and sauteing away. Nowadays well... its through a screen. It has been a transition to say the least. From tuning in with my photo dispayed upside down.. my 8 year old fixed that for me! Ha! To becoming my own PA overnight. Lights.. camera ..action.. It has been a challenge for me to say the least. But at last I feel like Im finding my groove. Here are some photos from two of the classes Ive taught from my home kitchen. enjoy!
30 minute healthy meals. Thai chicken satay with pickled cucumber and steamed basmati.
Chicken lettuce cups . Quick summer vegetable pasta with pesto sauce.